Natural Home Remedies for Psoriasis in the Scalp!

It is estimated that approximately 10% of psoriasis cases affect the scalp. Some people only have it in their head, today we have collected some natural remedies for cases of psoriasis in the scalp.

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1. Olive oil for Head Psoriasis:

The first natural treatment for this disease is very simple: olive oil. Every day when taking the shower apply a little olive oil on your hair. Massage the scalp and leave for 3 minutes. Olive oil helps eliminate extra flaky skin and moisturize all dry head plates. If you do it for a month every day I assure you that you will notice important improvements.

2. Dead Sea Mud:

Another very effective natural treatment for scalp psoriasis is the Dead Sea Mud. You can buy Dead Sea mud and apply it on the head 3 times a week and leave on for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water the minerals penetrate the scalp and nourish the dry, flaky skin of the head. This remedy will bring results after 1 or 2 uses.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Another effective treatment for this disease on the scalp is apple cider vinegar.

“Apple cider vinegar has a long history of being used to help relieve skin burns and inflammations”.

Put 1 cup of vinegar with 3.7 liters of water. Wash the head with the preparation and wait 5 minutes. Then you can take your shower and rinse your hair with water. After a week you will find improvement.

4. Diet Change:

Modify your diet incorporate 3 to 5 pieces of vegetables and fruits a day for a month. Do not eat red meat and if possible consume fish. This diet will detoxify your body. The results of this method become evident after 4 or 5 weeks. Gradually itchy skin and scales on the head will disappear.

5. Psoriasis Mercadona Shampoo:

Using a suitable shampoo is also a remedy that can help with capillary psoriasis, one of the most recommended shampoos for psoriasis problems is shampoo or tar, in Mercadona supermarkets, if they have not withdrawn the product, they sell A very good shampoo for this disease on the scalp. In addition to these remedies we leave you some information about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis in the head so that you know better this condition and therefore you can have more resources to get rid of it.

How does Capillary Psoriasis Manifest?

Psoriasis of the scalp is another type of psoriasis, it is very similar to psoriasis vulgaris, and it manifests itself with red plaques covered with white scales, which can affect the entire area or simply a part. Like other types of psoriasis, psoriasis in the head is not contagious ,no matter if you share a comb, towels, etc. with the affected person. If you have psoriasis in the head and / or know someone who has it, you know perfectly well what that person is feeling; surely you will see how your self-esteem will go down constantly. In some cases you will not know that you have capillary psoriasis, since if you have it you can confuse it with dandruff and in this way it will go unnoticed.

The Symptoms are as Follows.

  • You will present large plates
  • You will notice the fall of your scalp
  • You will feel when you touch some lumps which are formed by the accumulation of scales.
  • The scales contain a large amount of sebum.

The areas in which you will be presented are different from those of dandruff since dandruff occupies the entire scalp; however psoriasis forms plaques in some areas and leaves other areas free. The most frequent areas that you may have affected by scalp psoriasis are the following:

  • The presence of the disease on the edge of the frontal region is very evident to you
  • You will also be presented in the pre and retroauricular area
  • It is very important that you seek professional help to find the right psoriasis treatments for you.