Prevent a Stroke: 15 Symptoms of Stroke that Should Not be Ignored!

« The brain is an extremely complex organ that controls various bodily functions. If a stroke occurs and blood flow cannot reach the region that controls a particular body function that part of the body will not work as it should. »American Association of Stroke. Stroke is the third most common cause of death among women – the fifth in the total population – and one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot. When this happens, parts of the brain cannot receive the necessary oxygen and the cells begin to die.

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There are three types of stroke: ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke or a transient ischemic stroke (TIA). Ischemic stroke is caused by a blood clot; Hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of the rupture of blood vessels and AIT occurs when there is a temporary clot that blocks the normal flow of blood to one or more brain regions. The AIT is often referred to as “mini-stroke”, but it does not stop being very dangerous, as it can become a real case. According to Science Daily, about 80 percent of all strokes can be prevented. As in the case of any other preventable medical condition, awareness is the key. It is also critical to understand that women often have different symptoms than men, a fact that can help explain why a disproportionate number of cases of female stroke are fatal.

There are 15 Possible Symptoms of a Brain Spill that Never Ignore:

1. Autoimmune Disease:

Researchers in Spain found that women are more likely to suffer from an autoimmune disease that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain could be the reason, according to the study.

2. Mental Health Problems:

The relationship between mental health problems and stroke is still unclear. However, researchers at Harvard University have found a correlation between increased tonsil activity and an increased risk of stroke.

3. Irregular Cardiac Latide:

The heart, of course, is responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to each organ in the body. Irregular heartbeats, also known as heart palpitations, correlate with an increased risk of stroke. The Stroke Foundation of Australia specifies that atrial fibrillation – a related condition – is a risk factor for stroke.

4. Menopause or Premature Menstruation:

As already said, women suffer a disproportionate stroke with respect to their population, and hormones are one of the main reasons for this. Research indicates that menstruation before age 10 and menopause before age 45 may be related to the increased risk of stroke.

5. Hallucinations:

Vision changes are a universal sign of stroke. Women are more likely to report these alterations as hallucinations. However, if you see something that your logical brain knows is not there, call your emergency phone.

6. Changes of Behavior:

According to the University of Michigan, women are more likely to experience a change in mental state and less likely to report it. 

“This is a problem, since some types of stroke are directed to the areas of the brain responsible for personality”. 

Talk to a doctor about changes in mood, as this can save your life.

7. Desmayos:

The brain’s center of consciousness is located above the brainstem. As a result, the decrease in blood flow to this region of the brain can cause fainting. In addition, women are more likely to suffer strokes in this part of the brain than men. So do not minimize loss of consciousness, talk to your doctor.

8. Use of Anti-Conceptive or HRT Pills:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and birth control pills increase the likelihood of stroke. According to the American Stroke Association“the pill” can double your chances of having a stroke. Make sure your doctor confirms healthy blood pressure levels before prescribing any treatment!

9. Articulated Bad Speak:

There are as many men as women reporting this. Bad pronunciation is a telling sign that something is wrong with your head (as long as you are sober!). Call emergencies immediately.

10. Repentine and Prolonged Number:

The limbs send signals to the brain, and vice versa, that create the sensation of touch. If you are suddenly experiencing severe, unexpected and prolonged numbness sessions, it is almost certain that something is wrong.

11. Nausea or Vomiting:

Cerebral blood vessels that are inflamed can create pressure on the cerebellum and cause episodes of nausea or vomiting. It is also known that hemorrhagic strokes cause both symptoms. If nausea or vomiting is accompanied by any other sign on this list, do yourself a favor and talk to your doctor.

12. Difficulty to Breathe:

Any respiratory problem, we repeat any, is a medical emergency, period. There may be many reasons why you cannot breathe and all of them require you to go to the emergency room.

13. Background of Spontaneous Abortions:

Let’s return to symptoms only for women. “Coagulation factors increase the risk of developing clots in the heart or blood vessels of the brain, which can lead to a stroke, ” says the professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Wake Forest University, Dr. Cheryl Bushnell .

14. Hormonal Unbalances:

Low levels of DHEA may reflect some relatively minor underlying problem, but this hormone also affects others. Low levels of DHEA, in particular, are associated with an increased risk of stroke.

15. Migraines with Aura:

Migraines, especially with visual disorders (auras), are a proven risk factor for stroke. These vicious headaches cause constriction of blood vessels, which can affect the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Prevent the Brain Spill:

Stroke is a possible fatal medical emergency. Those who survive the test often face months – if not years – of rehabilitation to recover the loss of function. The lesson? Prevention is always the best medication, especially for a condition as serious as a stroke. With this in mind, here are seven preventive measures courtesy of Harvard Medical School:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose weight
  • Control your blood pressure
  • Drink alcohol in moderation
  • Treat atrial fibrillation (a form of irregular heartbeat)
  • Take care of sugar consumption
  • Give up smoking

The National Stroke Association explains the “FAST” technique to identify a possiblity:

(F)ace (face): Does one side of the face fall?

(A)rms (arms): Raise both arms above the head. Does one arm involuntarily move down?

(S)peech (speaks): Is it difficult to speak? Are you dragging your words?

(T)ime (time): Call emergency services immediately if you or someone else notices one or more of these signs.